Why I Write for Medium
I was really having a hard time figuring out what topic to cover for my next story over the past weeks which is rare as I often have multiple ideas brewing in my head for what to talk about, discuss, showcase, explain or share with others. I already write several monthly fitness, nutrition and exercise related articles and columns, blog posts or magazine articles for outlets like MyFitnesspal, Genopalate, TigerFitness, The NSCA’s TSAC Report, and TrainMagazine. I really enjoy writing for these outlets by helping provide credible, educational, actionable information that masses of people can use to better themselves physically and mentally as a healthy, high-performing person. However, health and fitness is a very niche topic that often gets a bit redundant and cyclical with the same information often coming out again and again in new packaging. With COVID-19 and its ripple effects on peoples lives being top of mind lately, it is my opinion that most people have bigger issues then just workouts and new diets as a priority right now. This does not mean exercise, healthy eating, and personal wellness do not matter, it does! Perhaps more so to keep ones mental and physical well-being in tact through these rough times of home-bound life and work, social isolation, and financial tensions. I have written about just this matter in a soon to be published article here on Medium as well.
On the brighter side, tons of great new things are happening in my field also so do not get me wrong, its a fascinating industry with science, tech and consumer interest blending, accelerating and adapting in ways never before seen and its fun to be part of this wave of innovation. Not wanting to just toss out more of the same content I do for the above mention platforms, I figured I would actually write about why I write. Why I decided to write here on Medium and not another blog, website, magazine or even self publication platform like LinkedIn (which I also do as well) but here, Medium. I do have to give a small shout out to personal friend and fellow Medium writer Dr. Brandon Roberts for the final nudge to get a subscription/membership to Medium as the final straw to “just do it.” His content by the way for the science based fitness buff/nut/nerd who enjoys resistant training is someone you need to follow!
Back to the point….I also really wanted an outlet where I could go well beyond only my standard professional expertise domains of health and fitness, exercise and nutrition, coaching and training. But into that of literally anything and everything I have a genuine personal or professional interest in, a deep curiosity for, a true concern for, or a world wonder to explore more. Medium seemed to have both the depth and breadth for just such an alternative platform where people of all walks of life from every corner of the planet can potentially read my content. Giving such written content is one thing, but this goes both ways I find. With Medium I can also learn from and absorb content from other truly great writers both within and outside of my professional domains. Award winning writers in their respective content/focus areas are easy to find and follow. Writers in other major publications are at my finger tips just a click, clap and comment away from being engaged with directly.
Being able to come across other great writers content often spurs new inspiration for me to write about something totally new. It awakens a dormant concept in my head nearly forgotten about, it offers a new perspective of seeing things, it offers new ways of communicating concepts to the world and helps me to formulate better methods of writing my articles by seeing the techniques and styles of other writers I enjoy following on Medium. Not to replicate them or copy them but to take the parts of their craft that work best for me and my voice as a writer.
I came here to give, to offer, and to contribute as a writer for Medium and although its only been four short months since joining I have already begun to find my own way of contributing content with my own unique “flavor”or voice of writing both within my professional expertise area but also in my personal life beyond my career and work. Nothing here is really off limits to me be it my hobbies, my passions, my fears, my wonders, my concerns, even my life as a whole or in small unique peculiar parts, all can be shared here. Furthermore, I now end up being a hungry consumer and learner just as much if not more so a writer for Medium. I am sure I am not alone in this either.
Lasting I toss out this short list of topics I myself have a deep, never-ending desire and passion for. I plan to write about, search for and engage with topics such as these here on Medium. If these topics cross with your expertise or interest areas, please connect, follow or reach out. I’d love to follow you as well. Happy writing and reading my friends!
Professional domains
health, fitness, wellness, exercise, nutrition, nutritional supplementation, sports performance, exercise science, physiology, sport psychology, tactical training.
Personal non-professional domains
regional food, food reviews, food writing, food photography, international and domestic travel, food culture, wine.
stoicism, stoic philosophy.